Existing comment: Portrait of Countess Livia da Porto Thiene and Her Daughter Porzia, ca. 1551
Paolo Caliari, called Veronese
Veronese painted a portrait of the countess and her shy little daughter as well as one of her husband Count Iseppo (Guisepe) da Porto and their son Adriano. These paintings were most likely installed in their palace in Vicenza, which had recently been built by Andrea Palladio (1508-80). The portraits would have been placed so that it would appear as if the family were standing in niches inside the palace.
Veronese was famous for his use of color and mastered the depiction of luxurious textures and fabrics. The countess carries a marten's fur with a head of gold and enamel, nearly identical to that displayed in the case below. The floor strip below is a later addition.
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