Existing comment: California Aqueduct West Branch:
State Water Project water flows by gravity from Tehachapi Afterbay through Oso Siphon to Oso Pumping Plant. From there it is pumped into Quail Lake. Water released from the lake travels through Lower Quail Canal and enters the Peace Valley Pipeline. The pipeline, serving as the penstock for Warne Powerplant, drops water about 725 feet through the plant's turbines to produce electricity. Water is discharged into Pyramid Lake then travels through the Angeles Tunnel and into turbines of Csataic Powerplant. Water leaving the plant enters Elderberry Forebay which, along with Pyramid lake, is used for pumped-storage operations. From the forebay, water flows into Castaic Lake, which is the terminal reservoir of the West Branch.
Castaic Lagoon provides recreation and serves as a recharge basin.
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