Existing comment: Report Card for America's Infrastructure:
The American Society of Civil Engineers' annual study estimates the five-year investment needed to remediate these and related problems at $2.2 trillion.

Energy -- D+ -- Outrages and disturbances cost up to $180 billion in annual economic activity.
Dams -- D -- More than 4,000 require repair or replacement.
Drinking Water -- D- -- Local systems leak an estimated 7 billion gallons daily.
Bridges -- C -- 26 percent either structurally deficient or functionally obsolete.
Rail -- C- -- System reaching capacity in critical bottleneck areas.
Wastewater -- D- -- More than 850 billion gallons of sewage discharged into surface water annually.
Levees -- D- -- About 9% expected to fail during flood events.
Aviation -- D -- Air-traffic control system outdated and inefficient.
Roads -- D- -- COngestion wastes some 3 billion gallons of fuel each year.
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