Existing comment: Field Gun Captured at Saratoga

This British field gun was captured at Saratoga.

General History

Fought in 1777 in northern New York state, the Battle of Saratoga was a major battle of the Revolutionary War. Benedict Arnold, who had not yet turned traitor, was a leader of the American offensive, which forced the surrender of British troops under General John Burgoyne. In the first battle at Saratoga the British lost two men for every one American casualty. In terms of ground gained, however, both sides fought to a draw. In the second battle, British losses were four to one. The rebels' victory was overwhelming.

After many negotiations, Burgoyne officially surrendered on 17 October 1777.

When news of the American victory reached Europe, France entered the war on the side of the patriots. Money and supplies flowed to the American cause, providing Washington's Continental Army with the support necessary to continue its fight against Great Britain. Britain's loss at Saratoga proved disastrous. It signaled to the European powers that the rebels were capable of defeating the English on their own. More than any other single event, the Battle of Saratoga proved decisive in determining the eventual outcome of the war.

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