Existing comment: Cormac McCarthy, born 1933
The early work of contemporary novelist Cormac McCarthy, including "Suttree" (1979) and "Blood Meridian" (1985), was often violent and macabre. After moving from Tennessee to Texas, McCarthy began to explore the classic western theme of the individual on the frontier; his "Border Trilogy" (1992-98) masterfully mixed the old and the new West. Now living near Santa Fe, McCarthy is writing what has been called post-apocalyptic fiction; "The Road" (2006) won the Pulitzer Prize for its depiction of life after a secular apocalypse. McCarthy was the only writer in residence as a fellow at the Santa Fe Institute when British photorealist painter Andrew Tift met and photographed him there in 2003. (Tift created this painting from his photographs.) McCarthy, who is known for being reclusive, has said that talking with the scientists at the research institute "helps him to think."
Andrew Tift, 2004
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