Existing comment: Race is a recent human invention. It's only a few hundred years old, in comparison to the lengthy span of human history. Although not scientific, the idea of race proposed that there were significant differences among people that allowed them to be grouped into a limited number of categories or races. Yet, are we so different? All humans share a common ancestry and, because each of us represents a unique combination of ancestral traits, all humans exhibit biological variation.
From the beginning, the idea of race was tied to power and hierarchy among people, with one group being viewed as superior and others as inferior. Despite disproving notions of hierarchy and removing social, economic and political barriers, the legacy of race continues to shape the lives and relationships of people in the U.S. and around the world.
This exhibition may challenge popular understandings of race, raise questions, and spark critical thinking. We hope the exhibition, public website and educational materials produced by the RACE Project will foster dialogue in families and communities around the U.S. and help better relations among us all.
-- American Anthropological Association
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