Existing comment: Stela D (south and east sides):
Stela D was erected and dedicated by the Quirigua rule K'ak'Tiliw on February 19, AD 766 to commemorate the ending of an important time period in the calendar and the creation of a new time period. The sculpture portrait of the ruler on the south side shows him dressed in elaborate ceremonial costume with a tall feather headdress, jade ear flares and jade necklace. He holds the royal shield of warfare. The imagery on the shield, although somewhat eroded, appears to be that of the Skeletal War Serpent. The total figure of the rule represents the three levels of the universe. At the top of the feather headdress is an image of Principal Bird Deity in the heavens. The stone base upon which he stands contains an upside-down mask of the Maize God who resides with the gods in the Underworld. The body of the ruler, clad in a loincloth with imagery of the World Tree, represents the earthly realm.
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