Existing comment: The 93rd Division (Provisional):
Fighting for Democracy Abroad and Equality at Home:
The 42nd "Rainbow" Division reflected America's regional diversity, however, segregation laws and racial prejudices prohibited African-American troops from fighting alongside white U.S. soldiers. Established in late 1917, the 93rd Division (Provisional) comprised four black infantry regiments, three of which were National Guard: the 369th (NY), 370th (IL) and 372nd (DC, OH, MD, MA, CT, and TN).
Upon arrival in Europe, regiments of the 93rd Division were assigned to the French Army. Serving as desperately needed replacements for depleted and exhausted French infantry divisions, the soldiers of the 93rd amassed an impressive combat record never losing a trench or a foot of ground.
African-Americans volunteered for National Guard service believing their contributions would lead to equality at home. More than fighting for the country they lived in, they fought for the "country they knew was possible."
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