Existing comment: A Navy for the Colonies:
Did the thirteen rebellious colonies need a navy? Some said no, but practical considerations led to the creation of a variety of naval forces. Individuals fitted out privateers to attach British merchant ships, states created navies to protect their own harbors, and the Continental Congress laid the foundation of a national navy by purchasing, then building warships, and commissioning officers in the Navy and Marine Corps.

Washington's Navy -- August 24, 1775:
The Continental Army needed all kinds of supplies, from muskets and powder to uniforms and blankets. Without a source of ready cash, the Continental Congress was unable to provide for its own army. Washington improvised by renting vessels from local ship owners. The first of these, the schooner Hannah, was leased from John Glover of Marblehead, Massachusetts.
By the end of October 1775 the Naval Committee had expanded its commission and purchased additional vessels, the 30-gun Aldred and 28-gun Columbus, and two brigs, 16-bun Andrea Doria and 14-gun Cabot.
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