Existing comment: Morning Action at the Worthington Farm:
After fording the river, Confederates moved through waist-high corn as Union troops waited behind a fence to attack. Forced back beyond the Worthington house, the Confederates regrouped for a second assault.

"Then, at a signal, the array having attained its proper front, it started forward slowly at first... Suddenly, arms were shifted and, taking to the double-quick, the men raised their battle cry, which, sounding across the field and intervening distance, rose to me on the heights and more like the composite yelling of wolves than I have ever heard it... the waving of banners and the furious trampling of young corn that flew before them was more than exciting, it was really fearful. A brave spectacle it was indeed."
-- Major General Lew Wallace describing the first attack at Worthington Farm

Skirmishing at Jug Bridge:
Around 8:00 am, advancing Confederates met resistance near the stone bridge on the Baltimore turnpike. Although fighting continued throughout the day, the struggle ended in a stalemate.
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