Existing comment: Tribute of the Mexican Cartoon to the Comic Strip

From its origins, El Universal was a promoter of both the cartoon and the comic strip, promoting contests that eventually became the pillar of the development of national graphic humor.

Although the influence of the cartoon came from France and England, the comic strip was exported from the United States.

The origin of the comics lies in this country, where emblematic characters were created, such as Bud Fisher's Mutt & Jeff, which appeared in 1907, and is considered as the first comic strip regularly published and known throughout the world.

The cartoonist and reporter Guillermo Castillo, who signed as Cas, dedicated a tribute to the characters of the American comic in the article The Men of Laughter.

Juan Terrazas, current director of Museu de la Caricatura, made a reproduction of Cas' drawings to be presented in this exhibition.
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