Existing comment: The LCCR Considers Civil Rights Bill

On July 2, 1963, NAACP's Executive Secretary Roy Wilkins called a meeting of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights (LCCR) at New York's Roosevelt Hotel to consider President Kennedy's civil rights bill. The LCCR agreed to support the bill but insisted on the addition of a FEPC provision that included private industry; a grant of authority to the attorney general to intervene in all civil rights cases (the old Part III stripped from the Civil Rights Acts of 1957 and 1960); coverage of all public accommodations; and extended voting protections for state and federal elections. The LCCR began pressing Subcommittee No. 5 for these additions. The NAACP followed by convening a National Civil Rights Legislative Conference in Washington, D.C., August 6–8, to lobby congressmen and senators.
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