Existing comment: People were signing this really long and specific scroll without bothering to read it. Basically, it's a statement if we don't agree with what the responsible people say happened in the election, then we can override them. It also sets up all sorts of caveats for legislation. Too many people clearly had too much free time during the pandemic!

Declaration of Authority -- 2021

When in the course of human events, the free citizens of an independent Republic witness their rights, opportunities, and freedoms daily stolen from them by enemies foreign and domestic, these citizens must exercise their Natural Authority, to which the Laws of Nature and Nature's God entitle them, and Summon to Account the servants of the government their forefathers constituted. Having a decent respect for the opinions of other nations as well as those who share the soil of our Republic but disagree as to means or ends, We The People unite to Declare the Authority and Power we possess over our public servants regardless of their political affiliation. ...

That any attempt whatsoever to subvert of overturn, bend or repurpose our Law to the benefit of a few is a violation of the rights of every legal citizen.
That public servants of any office, State or Federal, by virtue of sacred oath must heed our authoritative Vote without hesitation or fear of retribution from enemies without or within; or resign and Hereby Abstain from pursuing any role in governance or lobbying.
That every State or Federal Court must not use 'Standing' or 'Laches', or any other alibis to avoid ruling on the merits of Election Fraud cases. All such cases must be given their day in Court, without procedural delay to run out the clock and prevent justice under Constitutional Law.
That the Supreme Court of the United States must Not evade its duty to judge on the merits of all issues, including Electoral issues, arising between State cases regarding the original jurisdiction given by the Constitutional compact between the states.
That the inherent refusal of any court, or appointed, or elected official to review and immediately resolve Electoral Fraud evidenced through thousands of affidavits, statements, recordings, forensic ballot examinations, expert testimony, and the events witnesses by millions on election night and subsequent days must be met with the People's Right and Authority to require new elections, before a President may be recognized and inaugurated.

That bills or resolutions, which appropriates foreign nations, entities, corporations, or nongovernmental organizations substantial funds in excess of $10 Million USD, regardless of purpose, must not be enacted except after the approval of two-thirds of the United States in their legislatures, by resolution. ...
That delegated powers, violated by these evil servants, may be restored to us by a new and fair public Election on paper ballot with hand count by precinct. ...
In support of this Declaration, with reliance on Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, ...
our Constitutional Rights. In this dark hour, we hold the Light of Freedom, which Light shall never be put out.
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