Existing comment: The scene here is represented in the previous park sign. It says:
Custer's Advance
From The Crow's Nest, a vantage point 14 miles away in the Wolf Mountains, Custer's Crow and Arikara scouts saw evidence of the massive Lokota, Cheyenne, and Arapaho encampment. Convinced that he was discovered, Custer abandoned plans for a reconnaissance and a delayed attack. He divides his forces into four groups along Reno Creek, decided to strike the village before it could scatter. As Custer's battalions approach the Little Bighorn Valley, he orders Major Marcus Reno with approximately 175 soldiers and scouts to cross the river and charge. Custer, with approximately 225 soldiers and scouts, veered to the northwest and appear on the ridge to your left for their first view of the village.
"Major Reno's battalion marched down a valley that developed into the south branch of a small tributary to the Little Bighorn... the Indian trail followed the meanderings of this valley. Custer's column followed Reno's closely, bearing to the right and rear. The pack train followed their trail. Benteen's battalion was ordered to the left and front." -- Lt Edward Godfrey, Co. K, 7th Cavalry
"I saw a cloud of dust rise beyond a ridge of bluffs in the east. The morning was hot and sultry. Several of us Indian girls were digging wild turnips... we girls looked toward camp and saw a warrior ride swiftly, shouting that soldiers were only a few miles away, and that the women and children, including old men, should run for the hills in the opposite direction." -- Moving Robe Woman, Hunkpapa Lakota
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