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Reno's Valley Fight
After fording the Little Bighorn River one mile to your left, Reno's battalion gallops down the valley below. Convinced he is vastly outnumbered, Reno dismounts and forms a skirmish line across the valley floor, firing into the lodges.
Warriors in great numbers rush forward to defend the village. Outflanked, Reno retreats into the timber. Sitting Bull directs surprised noncombatants to flee to the north and west.
"The very earth seemed to grow Indians and they were running toward us." -- Major Marcus Reno, 7th Cavalry
"They were fighting in regular Indian style, riding up and down, some few on foot and some few on the hills to the left passing around and coming in on our rear, filling the whole space in our rear, a mile or two, with scattered Indians riding about." -- Lt George Wallace, Co G, 7th Cavalry
"The soldiers had crossed the river and were coming toward the camp... there were not many soldiers and I knew they would be beaten because there were many Sioux and Cheyenne." -- Waterman, Arapaho
"I heard the alarm but I did not believe it. I thought it was a false alarm. I did not think it possible that any white men would attack us, so strong as we were." -- Low Dog, Oglala Lakota
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