Existing comment: Shaping:
Newly blasted stone was cut into sizes suitable for building purposes. Large stone was worked in place using "plugs and feathers" while small stone was shaped with chisels at the stonecutter's bench.
Large stone was examined for the best "line of cut" to obtain the needed sizes with the least waste. Next, a series of shallow holes about 4 inches deep was drilled along the chosen line about 6 inches apart. Into each hole were placed two half-round iron "feathers" with an iron wedge or "plug" set between. Hammering each plug in turn created extreme pressure, causing the stone to break along the chosen line (C). Stones cut in this manner still display the drill holes use for plugs and feathers.
Small stone was worked into usable building form at the stonecutter's bench (D). Here the craftsmen would use a one-hand hammer and chisels to shape the stone into desired sizes. This stone was stacked according to its thickness and moved to where it was needed. Stone unsuitable for building was piled for use as fill.
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