Existing comment: No More Years because...
* Mexican rapists and drug dealers
* Grab them by the pussy
* "I love the poorly educated"
* 17 charges of rape
* Mexico will pay for the wall

* Prisoners of war aren't Heros [sic] because they got caught
* Helsinki
* 23 thousand lies and counting
* "Fine people on both sides..."
* Kids in cages
* "Shithole countries"
* Nasty Women/Monsters

* Covid round #1: No problem
* Covid round #2: China virus/no problem
* Covid round #3: All will be gone by spring
* Covid round #4: Drink bleach
* Covid round #5: It is what is is / not my responsibility

* Covid round #6: Media Conspiracy/Fake News
* Soldiers are "suckers"
* Election Round #1: Mail-in ballots =Fraud
* Election Round #2: Low energy/sleepy Joe

* Election #3: Mail-in ballots = Fraud
* Election #4: 11/5/2020 -- You undermined our entire democracy from the White House
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