Existing comment: A Plan to Fight Back:
9:30am: Passenger Tom Burnett learns from his wife that two planes have crashed into the World Trade Center.
9:37am: During a 20-minute Airfone call, passenger Jeremy Glick tells his wife that the passengers and crew are voting on whether to storm the cockpit.
9:44am: Passenger Tom Burnett tells his wife that "a group of us are getting ready to do something."
9:50am: During a seven-minute call, Flight Attendant Sandy Bradshaw tells her husband that the passengers are discussing how to overpower the hijackers, including preparing hot water to throw on them.
9:55am: Speaking wiht an Airfone operator, passenger Todd Beamer asks her to pray with him. Then the operator hears him say, "Are you guys ready? Okay. Let's roll."
9:58am: In a call to her stepmother, passenger Honor Elizabeth Wainio tells her that the passengers and crew are getting ready to break into the cockpit, and adds, "I have to go. I love you. Goodbye."
9:58am: Passenger Edward Felt places one of the final calls, dialing 911 on his cell phone and connecting with a dispatcher in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. He is able to state his name, the flight number, and report the hijacking before the call is dropped.
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