Existing comment: Mike Peters: Dayton's Own Superhero:
Superman Fan Keeps City in Stitches:
Mike Peters had always loved Superman, and Dayton has always loved Mike Peters -- at least since he started cartooning at the Dayton Daily News in the 1960s. Like his mother, who entertained audiences daily on a variety show in their hometown of St. Louis, Mike made sure that Dayton's newspaper readers would get a laugh while keeping up on the day's events.
In his editorial cartoons and later, in his daily comic strip Mother Goose and Grimm, superheroes often made appearances. Whether riffing on social and political issues or just poking a little fun at the characters he loved, Peters is adept at making connections between us. He uses iconography we all know and understand to talk about shared experiences and important events going on in our world. His brilliance was recognized in 1981 with a Pulitzer Prize.
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