Existing comment: You Are My Superhero:
Reading Comics in Public:
This summer, enjoy the latest comic books in your favorite series at The Dayton Art Institute. The books, donated by Epic Loot Games and Comics in Centerville, will be delivered weekly throughout the length of the exhibit. Join us on Tuesday, August 28 from noon to 7pm, for the second annual international "Read Comics in Public Day."
"Like so many great things in this world, 'Read Comics in Public Day' has its roots in a joke. I don't remember the exact wording, but it was something off-handed about reading novels on the train, because I was too embarrassed to read comics in public. Like many good jokes, that one had its root in the truth."
-- Brian Heater, creator of The Daily Cross Hatch, a blog focusing on alternative comics, and founder of "Read Comics in Public Day"
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