Existing comment: Proclamation of the "Bells" Journey
Oldest Tavern in the United States

"Old Jimmy" Wilson, Boston's last town crier, first hoisted the sign of the "Bell" in 1795 under the Exchange Coffee House in Congress Square. The tavern gained a popular reputation for selling "the best Ale in Boston," and flourished under a succession of keepers.

When it's stock in trade was relocated to Pi Alley in 1853, the ale house thrived amidst the bustle of "Newspaper Row," and soon became a social hub for newspaper men, bankers, Harvard professors, artists and writers.

After another move to Devonshire Street, the Bell-In-Hand, under the proprietorship of Morris Levi, continues its centuries old tradition here on the corner of historic Union and Hanover Streets.

This landmark building seems an appropriate location for "Old Jimmy" Wilson's sign to hang.

Today the Bell-In-Hand is managed by Eddie and Bryna Kaplan.
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