Existing comment: Goals continued
4. To recognize that preservation in DC was changing: facadectomies were out of favor; "significant" demolition could be more realistically defined, required going to Mayor's Agent; "character-defining" features could be better protected.
5. To shape general guidelines for new construction and additions, find a middle ground between rigidity and over-generalization: additions sh. not overwhelm the structure; contemporary new construction/ additions welcomed; roof top additions: sh. not be prominently visible; context is all.
6. To make our African-American heritage more visible: new African-American landmarks (schools, churches, meeting places); 100 signed sites on new African-American Heritage Trail.
7. To simplify and streamline HPO and HPRB procedures: timed HPRB agenda (virtually no waiting); 98% of permits signed off by staff; applicants' get HPRB hearing in 30 days, where possible.
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