Existing comment: Jim Houser
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Although Him Houser does not read comics, his work testifies to the stylistic influence they have on contemporary art and everyday life. The carefully-chosen and composed groupings of text in Houser's paintings -- perhaps poetry cut from an imaginary larger body of text or random words heard in daily life -- evoke taste, feeling of wonderment and amplify the impact of the accumulating images. These visual morsels resemble individual paintings and simultaneously construct more comprehensive themes, the meaning of which are by turns obvious and enigmatic. Houser's collections of text and images are like the golden snippets of conversation or sights you might experience walking down the street and listening to the world around you. Radio waves from electronics -- cell phones, microwaves, television -- feature prominently in Jim's work and visualize the ubiquitous, invisible "cloud" of waves that surround us all.
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