Existing comment: What Was Left on the Moon?

Armstrong's life-support backpack is still on the surface, along with his lunar overshoes, which made the historic first footprints. An hour or two after their walk, Armstrong and Aldrin opened the hatch and discarded these items, and others, to reduce weight for their launch the next day.

Conserving Neil Armstrong's Spacesuit

In 2015, the Museum launched a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign to help conserve Neil Armstrong's spacesuit.
The funds allowed conservators to engineer and insert a new mannequin support system, provide a climate-controlled case, and document the suit and its materials.

Spacesuits are Surprisingly Fragile

Even though they withstood the hazards of space, spacesuits were built to be worn on one mission, not to last forever. Their 1960s fabrics, rubbers, and plastics degrade over time.
The Smithsonian is striving to preserve this and other historic spacesuits for future generations. The openings allow air to circulate, so harmful chemicals do not build up inside. The exhibit case has systems to maintain temperature and humidity near levels ideal for preservation.
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