Existing comment: No More Electoral College?
We don't actually vote for President. We vote for the electoral college, whose members then vote for the candidate of our choice. Although the first efforts to abolish the electoral college came right after the 1800 election debacle, this proposed amendment has not passed Congress. These resolutions state the most popular reasons for direct election of the President.

Resolutions of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to amend the Constitution to abolish the electoral college and establish direct popular election of the president, May 15, 1969
Records of the U.S. House of Representatives

"I do think that [the creators of the electoral college would say it should be modified], for two reasons. First, the Framers were experimental politicians, and they were open to the evidence of how things were operating. Second, they really had no good idea how the system would work."
-- Constitutional scholar Jack Rakove, 2012
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