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Hamilton and Scourge:
Historical Treasures from the War of 1812:
In the early morning hours of 8 August 1813, Hamilton and her fellow schooner Scourge were hove to with 11 ships of the American Squadron on Lake Ontario. They were waiting for the first light to renew action against the British-Canadian Squadron. A sudden squall caught both ships capsizing them and sending them to the bottom 50 fathoms (300 feet) below with 53 sailors. This was the largest single loss of life on the Great Lakes during the War of 1812.
In 1975, an underwater survey located the ships sitting upright and intact on the lake floor. Later the National Geographic Society conducted a photographic survey of both vessels. The images confirmed the near perfect preservation of the ships in the nearly freezing temperatures and utter darkness. The Hamilton/Scourge Foundation hopes someday to raise the schooners and exhibit the archaeological treasures in Hamilton, Ontario.
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