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New bills fund fence construction in border cities: Operation Gatekeeper (California), Operation Hold-the-Line (Texas), and Operation Safeguard (Arizona).

The federal government, through the US Army Corps of Engineers and the California National Guard, funds new fencing to deter migrants and drug smugglers, especially in California and Arizona. Fence construction begins in earnest in the San Diego sector, with 14 miles of "primary fence." The Congressional Research Service estimates that the Army Corps of Engineers uses Vietnam-era helicopter landing mats to build 62 miles of border fence in California and Arizona.
Barrier Type: Repurposed Vietnam War-era surplus helicopter landing mats (USACE).

Over a 12-year period from 1992 to 2004, after fence construction in California, apprehensions in the San Diego sector decline by 76%. Apprehensions in the Yuma, Arizona sector increase by 591%.
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