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Charles M. Schulz
Peanuts * November 20, 1976

Lucy's dogged pursuit of the Beethoven-obsessed Schroeder is only one example of the many cases of unrequited love in Peanuts. Schulz once remarked, "I don't know why there's so much unrequited love in my strip. I seem to be fascinated by unrequited love, if not obsessed by it... There's something funny about unrequited love -- I suppose it's because we can all identify with it. We've all been turned down by someone we love, and it's probably the most bitter blow in life."

The energy Lucy expands in trying to bully Schroeder into giving her a gift almost equals her single-minded, if hopeless, pursuit of his affections. Not being content to attempt to finagle gifts from him at Christmas, she also hounds him every December 16th on Beethoven's birthday. Lucy has a difficult time understanding why Beethoven's birthday is not celebrated with presents "for girls."
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