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Sharlot Hall on the Arizona Strip:
As a journalist, poet, outdoorswoman, and historian with a burning desire to learn and experience life to the fullest, Sharlot Hall was passionate about the dramatic landscapes of Arizona. When the Hamilton Bill proposed to Congress that the territories of Arizona and New Mexico be joined and admitted into the United States as a single state, Sharlot took action to protect the unique identity of Arizona. Some say it was her influential poetry that swayed the Senate to drop the joint statehood clause from the Hamilton Bill.
Sharlot became the territorial historian, appointed by Governor Richard E. Sloan. In later years, she restored the territorial governor's mansion in Prescott and opened it as a state museum.
In her book, "Sharlot Hall on the Arizona Strip," Sharlot wrote about her stay at the Rock House Hotel. Look down into the valley (to the left of where you're standing) and you can see the privately-owned buildings of that historic inn.
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