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An Editorial Cartoon

The sketchbook is Oliphant's first attempt to put an idea on paper. Many are remarkably close to the final drawing, while sometimes, Oliphant tests two or more versions of an idea (in the facsimile of this sketchbook sitting on the case, note another effort to visualize the Easter Island head). A key addition to the final drawing is the tiny penguin Punk. Like some of the other worshippers, he is walking away from his idol in mute frustration.

Also shown is the syndicate's print of the original drawing, known as a "slick." Slicks can be an important resource for researchers, and the collection contains many thousands. Many of Oliphant's drawings are in private collections, and a published cartoon can be extremely difficult to track down, since cartoons are generally redacted from digital scans in newspaper archives due to copyright concerns.
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