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82 cm Projectile and Cartridge for "Gustav"/"Dora" (Railroad Gun Artillery Shell):
Initial Production 1942:
This projectile was retrieved from the Hilleralieben Proving Ground in Germany in 1945. It is a concrete-piercing shell designed for the enormous 82 cm railroad gun which went by the nicknames "Gustav" and "Dora." This 7 ton, 12 foot 8 inch long shell had a maximum range of 24 miles. The "Gustav" could also fire a 4.7 ton high explosive shell up to 29 miles. "Gustav" was used in only one battle, at the end of the siege of Sevastopol in June - July, 1942. One of the shells penetrated 100 feet of earth to blow up a Soviet powder magazine. It took 350 men to fire "Gustav" because they carefully measured the muzzle velocity and breech pressure to determine how large the next charge should be. Another 150 men were assigned to the headquarters company, 4 observation units, a plotting unit, and other direct staff. The support staff, which included the construction crew, engineers, guards, military police, flak units, fighter cover, and a dog patrol, amounted to 8470 men!
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