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Sphere Within a Sphere

The United Nations have represented, for over fifty years, a symbol and a reference point of mankind's profound aspirations towards peace, social progress, and economic development. Pomodoro's "Sphere within a Sphere" in fact seems almost uniquely destined for its site on the UN plaza and for a sponsor whose goal is to bring peace and understanding in a conflicted world. The form invites obvious associations to the globe of the earth itself. While the symbolism was not so designed originally, this complex work of art composed of a sphere growing inside another sphere can be legitimately read as a metaphor promising the rebirth of a less troubled and destructive world. The sculpture is made of bronze with a highly polished surface. It measures 3.3m in diameter and weighs 18700(?) lbs. The sculptor Arnaldo Pomodoro is one of the greatest living Italian artists. He was born in Morciano di Romagna, Italy in 1926 and currently lives in Milan.
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