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(3) Big Fall Trail:
* Start Point: Big Fill Trail parking, 3 miles east
* 1 hour walking time
* 1.5 mile easy walk

Hike out through cuts and fills to see the legacy of hand-building a railroad. A guide booklet available at the trailhead points out the most significant features.

(4) Easy Auto Tour:
* Start point: 3 miles east on Highway 504
* 20 minutes driving time on tour road
* 20 mph is the limit

See spectacular vistas while exploring the cuts and fills necessary to climb the Promontory Mountains. A booklet describing both auto tours is available for sale inside.

(5) West Auto Tour:
* Start point: 7 miles west of here. Follow the signs as you leave the parking lot.
* 30 minutes driving time on tour road
* 20 mph is the limit

Drive the historic Central Pacific grade past the place where ten miles of track were laid in a single day
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