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Over There: America Goes to War

On July 28, 1914, Austria-Hungary invaded Serbia in retaliation for the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. The attack triggered diplomatic alliances, which led countries to go to war. The Central Powers coalition of Austria-Hungary, Germany, the Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria fought against more than 20 allied countries, including Russia, France, and Great Britain.

The United States remained neutral until Germany announced a policy of unrestricted submarine warfare in early 1917. After the destruction of American ships and other provocations, President Woodrow Wilson told Congress, "The world must be made safe for democracy," as he successfully requested a declaration of war. By June, the American Expeditionary Forces stared deploying to Europe. The AEF trained with the Allies and then engaged in its first battle in autumn 1917. Brutal combat continued through early November 1918 when the two sides negotiated ceasefire agreements. The Great War, later known as World War I, claimed an estimated 17 million lives of military personnel and civilians. The war profoundly changed society and global politics.
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