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Barnard Sachs, 1859-1944
Born Baltimore, Maryland
A prominent clinical neurologist, Barnard Sachs enjoyed a long medical career that flourished as neurology developed into a specialized study of medicine around the turn of the century. Sachs received degrees from Harvard University and the University of Vienna in Austria. After he returned to New York City in 1884, he established a private practice for the treatment of mental and nervous disorders. Sachs's seminal 1887 study of a childhood enzyme deficiency now known as Tay-Sachs disease contributed much to the emerging field of pediatric neurology. His book The Normal Child (1926) became a popular manual on child-rearing for the general public.
This likeness, painted by Latvian-American artist Henry R. Rittenberg, is a smaller replica of Sachs's official portrait at the New York Academy of Medicine, where he served as president.
Henry R. Rittenberg, c 1936
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