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Billy Graham, 1918-2018
Born Charlotte, North Carolina
Evangelical Protestantism has been a major social and cultural, as well as religious, force in America, from the eighteenth century's Great Awakening to the present. In the modern era, Billy Graham was one of the movement's most recognized leaders. He underwent his own conversion at sixteen and subsequently became a traveling evangelist. During his worldwide "crusades," Graham preached to huge crowds, but his focus always centered on individual salvation. "My one purpose in life," he observed, "is to help people find a personal relationship with God, which, I believe, comes through knowing Christ." His ministry was not devoid of controversy, however. After making provocative comments on several "hot-button issues," Graham expressed regret and distanced himself from politics. His widespread appeal was rooted in his charismatic stage presence and his espousal of an "enlightened fundamentalism," one that retained the evangelical's passion without overpowering the message with emotion.
Yousuf Karsh, 1972
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