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Smithsonian's National Zoo -- 125 Years

Noisy by Nature
Many residents living near the Zoo consider our Park to be a treasured retreat from the bustling city. While that is true, it is also true that some of our Zoo animals are just plain noisy neighbors!

Dr. Mr. Secretary:
I live one-half mile from the Smithsonian's National Zoological Park in Northwest Washington. Every morning and afternoon, I'm disturbed by a loud noise that sounds like Tarzan playing the bagpipes. It must be one of your animals. Does it have to make that noise? Is something wrong?

You must be hearing the magnificent calls of our white-cheeked and siamang gibbons. A gibbon family advertises its territory each morning and afternoon with a loud duet...
These "no trespassing" calls have to be loud enough to be heard by neighboring gibbon families. In the dense tropical rainforests of Asia, gibbon calls carry up to one kilometer (2/3 mile). The siamang gibbons have inflatable throat sacs which make their calls even louder.
Thank you for your concern. It may be easier for you to live with the sound now that you know it is a sign that our gibbons are healthy and normal...
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