Existing comment:
Grab your guns legally. Las Vegas and all the mass shootings were done by the NSA to take your guns away so you can't fight back. The Russians are running the NSA and area destroying America. The 911 attacks, Oklahoma City, TW800, 93 bombing at the WTC, were all done by the NSA. One million Americans are murdered every year by the NSA. Every chef and manger [sic] in every restaurant works for the NSA and gives poisons [sic] food and coffee to kill the people the NSA wants to kill. All protesters and anti government people are elimated [sic]. Don't eat out. Our Constutitions [sic] has been destroyed. The NSA is trying to kill me, Jeff Boss for whistle blowing on the NSA. I am on my 4th time running on the ballot for Congress and President.
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