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New Fossil Find:
3.5 to 3.2 million years ago
Kenyanthropus platyops
This specimen has been identified as a new genus and species. If the classification proves true, it indicates that there was a separate line of hominids living at the same time as Lucy and her kind, Australopithecus afarensis.
Like Lucy, this species had a small brain and thick tooth enamel. It also had small ear holes like those of chimpanzees and other australopithecines. However, the flat sloping face, raised cheekbones, and flat browridges were more like those of a later hominid, Homo rudolfensis. Some scientists believe Kenyanthropus platyops gave rise to our genus, Homo. Only time, and more analysis, will tell where this find fits in the story of hominid evolution.
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