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From the Collection: Presidential Campaign Buttons:
To date, only one person has served both as President on the the Supreme Court: William H. Taft. He was President from 1909-1913 and later Chief Justice from 1921-1930. However, as national figures, several other Justices have been involved in presidential campaigns.
Associate Justice Charles Evans Hughes resigned from the Court to run as the Republican candidate in 1916, narrowly losing to Woodrow Wilson. He returned to the Court 14 years later to serve as Chief Justice.
The 1948 election saw Associate Justice William O. Douglas consider a campaign for the Democratic nomination, but he quickly declined to run.
In 1952, Earl Warren ran as a Republic candidate for president but lost the party's nomination to Dwight D. Eisenhower. The following year he joined the Supreme Court as Chief Justice.
Sometimes support for Justices to run for President emerges without their involvements, such as this 1984 button promoting the idea of Sandra Day O'Connor for President.
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