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Piloting the Batteaux:
A Job for Big Strong Men:
Batteauxmen were rugged, strong, and individualistic men who risked their lives daily transporting goods up and down the river. Their origins dated back to the first European settlers whose only means of transportation in the New World wilderness was by boat. As the decades progressed, the boatmen developed specialized craft such as the batteau to increase their load capacity and improve their chances of surviving the river's shallow waters and swift-flowing rapids. The river, however, was not the only danger. Moored on the riverbanks at night, the batteauxmen had to protect their cargo from pirates and thieves. They also had to maintain the batteau and make emergency repairs when needed.
With danger lurking around every bed, batteauxmen had interesting ways to occupy their time while floating through the occasional calm waters or after mooring for the night. Cards, dice, and other games of chance were common along with contests of strength and skill. Two of the more athletic tests were lifting large barrels to the shoulder or higher, and running sprints along the rails of the batteau.

The Batteauxmen
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