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Trisha Meili, 2011

"I am the author of the best-selling memoir, I Am the Central Park Jogger: A Story of Hope and Possibility. My story is about resilience and the capacity of the human body and spirit to heal. It didn't begin that way. On April 19, 1989, I went for a run in New York City's Central Park shortly after 9pm. Hours later, two men wandering the park found me near death from a brutal beating and rape. In a coma, with 80 percent blood loss, a traumatic brain injury, and severe exposure, doctors at Metropolitan Hospital worried that I might not survive. The story seized the headlines, not only in New York, but also around the world as people contemplated what the savagery of the attack said about our society.

Today I speak to groups, including businesses, universities, brain injury associations, sexual assault centers and hospitals, about my journey of recovery and healing; about how I responded to my personal tragedy by shifting my thinking and actions, allowing me to move from victim to survivor, reclaim my life, and become whole. With my work, book, and lectures, I offer lessons on how to manage through unpredictable change, whether personal, professional, economic, or spiritual. My story has encouraged people worldwide to overcome life's obstacles -- regardless of what they might be -- and get back on the road to life."
-- - Trisha Meili
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