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What Exactly is a National Park?
There are many different designations that make up the National Park Service. Most of the designations are determined by Congress. The President alone can designate a 'national monument' without Congress. The name chosen for a park is usually based on what kind of resource it is (seashore, battlefield, etc), but sometimes there are too many resources to give the park a clear title. Below are the different designations in the National Park Service.

How many different types of National Parks have you visited? What type are you at today?
* National Park: Large natural places, usually with significant historic assets.
* National Monument: Any area of natural or historic significance on government lands can be made national monuments by the President.
* National Preserve: Similar to National Parks, but these allow hunting, mining, or consumptive use activities.
* National Historic Site: Contains a single historic feature related to a subject of national importance.
* National Historical Park: Grouping of areas of historic importance that extend beyond a single property or building.
* National Memorial: Commemorative of a historic person(s) or event(s).
* National Battlefield: A general title for all preserved battlefields.
* National Cemetery: There are 14 national cemeteries in the National Park Service.
* Natural Recreation Area: Can include a large reservoir and/or have significant natural and historic areas. Usually used for parks with many possible designations.
* National Seashore: Natural or developed areas found along the Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific coasts.
* National Lakeshore: All are along the Great Lakes.
* National River: Can include national river and recreation area, national scenic river, wild river, etc.
* National Parkway: Intended for scenic motoring along a protected corridor and often connecting cultural sites.
* National Trail: Scenic and historic trails, covering over 3,600 miles currently.
* Affiliated Areas: Recognized areas that draw on technical or financial aid from the National Park Service.
* Other Designations: There are some unique titles, such as the White House.
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