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Running Away:
Running away was dangerous. Some slaves journeyed hundreds of miles to strange places, with little hope of ever seeing their families again. Others hid in nearby woods, close to where their families lived. Most were captured and punished. George Washington advertised in 1761 for the return of four runaways -- including Peros, "a well-set Fellow... with a very full round Face, and full black Beard." Such advertisements testify to enslaved people's yearning for freedom.

Sambo Anderson, Carpenter:
Sambo was easy to spot. Born in West Africa, his face was tattooed, and scarred according to tribal ritual, with two or three cuts on each cheek. As an enslaved carpenter, he helped build the greenhouse slave quarters in the 1790s. He was also a skilled hunter, earning income by selling ducks to George Washington. Granted his freedom by Washington's will, Sambo used his earnings to purchase and free two of his relatives.
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