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The Search for Solutions:
Although Mono Lake's supporters and the Department of Water and Power have yet to reach an agreement, progress has been made. Concerned parties have met periodically to discuss out-of-court solutions such as water conservation and reclamation.
We all can be part of the solution. Enough water to preserve placed like Mono Lake could be saved each year through water recycling projects and public education. By supporting water conservation and reclamation in our communities we encourage wise water use. We save money and energy, and the natural world benefits too.
The creeks are flowing again. Birds and fish, willows and pines, rice grass and flowers are returning. Sometimes a kingfisher can be seen flying overhead with a sparkling trout -- proof that if people care enough, the beauty and health of the land can be restored.

"Walking Lee Vining Creek, I have sometimes thought of myself as a stream, newly reborn, just beginning to grow. I can feel the icy water over me. I can feel the tender plants sprouting on my banks. I can feel deer, heron and bobcat leave their tracks on my shores. We are these streams, this lake, this land..."
-- David Gaines, Mono Lake Newsletter, Winter, 1987
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