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A Journey Begins:

"This is the moment I've planned for, day and night, all these months past... Everyone has done his part. Now, it's up to me."
-- Charles Lindbergh

On May 20, 1927, a damp Friday morning in Long Island, New York, Lindbergh lifted the Spirit of St. Louis into the air, barely missing trees and telephone wires at the end of his runway. Once airborne, and without a radio in the plane, his direct contact with the earth ceased.
Anxious bystanders on the ground, hungry for news of his progress, watched the sky and listened to their radios, some homemade, for reported sightings of the "young American boy." As the media rushed newsreels of his plane's takeoff to theaters, this previously unknown flyer became the subject of countless conversations and prayers. During the next two days, the world seemed to hold its breath while trying to track Lindbergh's journey.
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