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Dream of a Sunday Afternoon in Alameda Central Park
From Diego Rivera (1947)
In Diego Rivera's Dream of a Sunday Afternoon in Almeda Central Park, dozens of characters from different periods of Mexican history can be seen taking a stroll through Mexico City's first city park.
Perhaps the most striking grouping is a central quartet featuring Diego Rivera himself, the artist, Frida Kahlo, printmaker, Jose Guadelupe Posada and La Catrina. Kahlo stands behind a child version of her husband, Rivera, with one hand protectively on his shoulder.
"Catrina" was a nickname in the early twentieth century for an elegant, upper-class woman dressed in European clothing. This character became famous in Posada's La Calavera de la Catrina (The Catrina Skeleton), 1913.
In this mural, la Catina unites two great Mexican artists: she holds Rivera's hand as Posada holds here other arm. Though Posada died in obscurity in 1913, artists later brought attention to his work, and he was a significant influence on the Mexican muralists.

Out of all these iconic historic characters, can you spot the following?
Hernan Cortes, Sor Juana, Ines de la Cruz, Benito Juarez, Jose Marti, General Porfirio Diaz, Francisco I. Madero

How many times did Diego Rivera self-portray himself on this mural painting?
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