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January 8: Woodrow Wilson delivers his "Fourteen Points" address
January 9: Wilson announces his support for a constitutional amendment to grant women the right to vote
February 8: U.S. armed forces newspaper The Stars and Stripes begins publication
March 3: Russia's Bolshevik government signs the Brest-Litovsk Treaty with Germany; Russia leaves the war but loses roughly 1/2 of its industry, 1/3 of its farmland, and 1/3 of its population
March 4: First U.S. soldiers are reported ill with influenza at Camp Funston in Kansas; the global epidemic will claim more lives than the war itself with more than 30 million of the global population succumbing to the pandemic
March 21: German spring offensives begins; this series of German attacks on the Western Front will strain Allies almost to the breaking point
March 26: In the U.S. Senate, it is admitted that the United States will have 37 aircraft ready for the AEF by July, rather than the 12,000 that had been promised
March 31: U.S. initiates Daylight Savings Time
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