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Cameras Ruled Unfair in the Courtroom

After financier Billie Sol Estes was convicted for fraud in 1963, he argued that his Fourteenth Amendment rights under the due process clause were violated by the presence of cameras in the courtroom and the media frenzy that ensued. The Supreme Court, in its final ruling agreed that cameras interfered with Estes receiving a fair trial, Estes v. Texas, 381 U.S. 532 (1965). In a separate court appearance in February 1978, Estes and his wife (shown here) were ordered to pay millions of dollars in back taxes.

Gary Myrick. B. Sol Estes & Wife, February 1978. Porous point pen, crayon, colored pencil, and graphite over graphite underdrawing on light blue paper. Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress (001.00.00)
LC-DIG-ppmsca-50990 © Gary Myrick
Gift and purchase, Gary Myrick
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