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(left to right) Kim Roberts, husband and son of Teri Cross Davis, Jean Nordhaus, and Jonathan Lewis.

Jean Nordhaus is the author of six books of poetry, including "Innocence," "The Porcelain Apes of Moses Mendelssohn," and, most recently, "Memos from the Broken World." Her poems have appeared in a variety of publications, including American Poetry Review, New Republic, Best American Poetry, and Pushcart Prize: Best of the Small Presses, and she serves as review editor for Poet Lore. Find out more about her at www.poetryfoundation.org.

Jonathan Lewis is a Hill poet whose poems have appeared internationally in publications such as Hawai'I Review, Northern Virginia Review, Poetica Magazine, and Poetry Scotland's The Open Mouse. In 2015, he received a Reader's Award from Orbis Literary Journal. Most recently, his poem titled "Jökull" ("glacier"), inspired by a trip to Iceland, appeared in The Icelandic Connection.
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